Unforgettable - Pilot

Surprise, Surprise. Every once in awhile a show comes along that makes us step out of the box, and try something new. And this show definitely is that for me.....I don't usually enjoy CSI, or any of those types of shows. I find them rather disturbing.

But this new one......Unforgettable has me hooked! And all I have seen so far is the pilot, but I find it completely fascinating! I would love to have her "SUPER POWER!" How amazing it would be to have a memory like that.......though it would be a bit of a nightmare sometimes too I suppose.

The acting was really phenomenal in this one too, and that's rare to find these days. I am not sure who this leading lady is and where she came from but I love her! She is completely believable, likable and emotional. 

And the show.......JAM PACKED with suspense, action, drama, and it even made me jump!! (Which, by the way, is the very reason I tend to dislike these types of crime mystery shows.....) but for whatever reason, this one pulls it off in my books! If you haven't yet, check it out! It airs Tuesdays on CBS.

Are you watching this one too? What do you think of it? So far it might just be my new fave.......


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